This is my Ju Ju Bean (aka Jugee, Jugee poo, Juwlz, Ju Ju...). I met her on the first day of nursing school back in...2009? Wow, has it been that long? I suppose it has. She borrowed 5 bucks from me at lunch to buy a Subway sandwich and she had on the cutest pair of Tiffany's glasses I'd ever seen (real diamonds?!). I knew right then she was a classy lady. I just had no idea HOW classy.
She's one of those people who appear reserved and sophisticated at first meeting, but if you're patient, you are pleasantly surprised that she has an outrageously funny personality only visible to a lucky few. If you know what's best, you'll be sure to make yourself one of those few.
Ju Ju and I have been on hundreds of adventures together and are even able to stay best friends while being roommates on and off for the last 5 years (which, as many know, is virtually impossible). Now...I wish I could share with you some of our best pictures over the years...but one reason we've been able to stay friends so long is our "internet code". Basically, if the picture makes you laugh so hard you pee your pants, it's not appropriate for the internet. My apologies for those who were getting excited to see embarrassing pictures of us. But I will share a few "boring" ones...
She's one of those people who appear reserved and sophisticated at first meeting, but if you're patient, you are pleasantly surprised that she has an outrageously funny personality only visible to a lucky few. If you know what's best, you'll be sure to make yourself one of those few.
Ju Ju and I have been on hundreds of adventures together and are even able to stay best friends while being roommates on and off for the last 5 years (which, as many know, is virtually impossible). Now...I wish I could share with you some of our best pictures over the years...but one reason we've been able to stay friends so long is our "internet code". Basically, if the picture makes you laugh so hard you pee your pants, it's not appropriate for the internet. My apologies for those who were getting excited to see embarrassing pictures of us. But I will share a few "boring" ones...
After being in Hawaii for a couple months with no visit from my Jugee (and with me getting married in the fall), I thought our days of being roomies was over (though she insists she's going to live with me forever and nanny my kids...which sounds lovely). That's when she surprised me. She called me up one day and told me some great news--she was taking a break from travel nursing and coming to play with me in Hawaii! I couldn't have been happier....unless of course we didn't have to break up the days of playing with me going to work...ugh. We sure do take advantage of every day off though!
Love this place. And love this girl.